Your Free SEO Audit

Welcome to the Careful Feet Digital free SEO Audit! 

This SEO Audit grades your website based on the strength of various SEO factors such as On Page Optimization, Off Page Links, Social and more. The overall Grade is on a A+ to F- scale, with most major, industry leading websites in the A range. Improving your grade will generally make your website perform better for users and rank better in search engines. 

Pop your name, email and website below and get instant access to your free SEO Audit Report straight in your browser. 


A Few of Our Current and Previous Projects


  • increased organic traffic 73%
  • improved keyword rankings 14.47%
  • increased first page search engine rankings by 31.7%, resulting in 1,244 additional keywords ranking in the top 3 positions on search engine rankings in the US

Organic Pharmer

  • increased the page rank by 56 positions
  • increased click-throughs to the website by 4%, with total clicks increasing by over 100k
  • sales from organic search increased 75% and became a leading source of revenue


  • increased the page rank by 37 positions 
  • increased click-throughs to the website by 2%, with total clicks increasing by 122k
  • assisted conversions from search activity increased by over 100,000 euros

Ready to get started on your SEO now?

Once you take the audit, we’ll drop you a line to set up a call and go through it – and talk through any ways we can be of service.