Organic pharmer -
ecommerce sales

$1M in sales at a 2x ROAS

The Brief

Organic Pharmer offers healthy soups and juices through subscription or one-off purchases. They came to us to help them build their digital advertising footprint and increase their sales in the US. 


Challenge 1: Advertising Mix

The first challenge we encountered was selecting the advertising platform. Organic Pharmer has the option of using its brand UVPs, such as dedication to health and healing, as well as its products, for advertising campaigns. That meant that there were several options, including paid search and social channels, on which to advertise. 

Considering market conditions, competition and seasonality, we split advertising efforts equally between all potentially viable platforms and approaches. This helped us discover a unique marketing mix that included Meta as the brand-based awareness-building advertising platform, supported by Google’s search and shopping ads, optimised to respond to the brand interest created by Meta. 

Screenshot of high performing Meta ecommerce ad

Challenge 2: The Buyer

The second challenge was identifying the best-performing audience. As with most other health-related products, it is not always clear who is specifically interested in them; many brands assume that everyone is a potential customer, but  to ensure the advertising budget is spent efficiently, its often best to be specific in targeting and find the highest performing subsets of an ICP.

Upon testing various creatives, pain points, and corresponding audiences,  we identified demographic details, including gender, age and interests, that helped us hone in on the best audiences to target for ads, which helped us significantly increase the sales and revenue generated from campaigns.

organic pharmer google ads previews


Altogether, campaigns used a $574,408.95 budget, leading to 23,674,586 impressions and 186,636 clicks with a 0.79% click-through rate

google ads performance screenshot for ecommerce company

There have been 4k+ purchases and $947,363.93 in sales—with an average ROAS between 2-4x.