Step Up Club -
paid ads on social media

Step Up Club boosted its membership club subscriptions and got more sign ups for its premium professional coaching programs

Cool Number
Cool Number
Cool Number

The Brief

Step Up Club is a digital membership for women interested in building, furthering and changing their career paths.

Alice approached Careful Feet Digital (CFD) to develop and execute the paid social media strategy for Step Up Club’s paid membership and, separately, its coaching program, called Reset.

In the course of seven months, CFD created 22 campaigns, 61 ad sets and 129 ads to promote both services.


To help Step Up Club sell memberships and places in the coaching program, CFD developed a strategy that included testing of several targeting methods. It was unclear which interests would lead women to joining Step Up Club’s paid subscription and join the Reset Program, so CFD examined several hypotheses about which interests could be relevant, including:
  • women with small children, who might have encountered a work/life balance issue,
  • women who were business owner/founders and might have met difficulties in business development,
  • women who were interested in the entrepreneurship and might have been looking for guidance on how to build their business,
  • women who recently changed jobs and might have encountered difficulties in adapting to a new working environment,
  • women who were looking for stress-management techniques to overcome any personal or work problems,
  • look-alike audience based on Step Up Club current Facebook and Instagram subscribers and,
  • look-alike audience based on the Step Up Club current paid members.

    CFD also tested a free webinar as a lead magnet to get email addresses and contact details for those who would be interested in both services. Through testing several rounds of ads that tied messaging to particular audiences and their needs, CFD also examined different color palettes to understand which color was the most attractive for women from the aforementioned audiences.

  • Two screenshots of Facebook ads for Step Up Club. In one image, there is a woman standing with some text in black and a pink background. In another ad, the same woman is sitting down, and there is some text in black and a yellow background.
    Two screenshots of Facebook ads for Step Up Club. In one image, there is a woman sitting on a sofa with children and in another ad, there is a woman at work speaking with two other colleagues.


    Careful Feet Digital reached 396,720 people, drove 1726 free webinar registrations, 22 new paid members, 17 Reset program registrations installations over the course of 7 months. 
    A screenshot from the Facebook Ads Centre, showing the name of the ad and the results, including the number of people reached, the amount spent and when the ad ended.
    A screenshot from the Facebook Ads Centre, showing the name of the ad and the results, including the number of people reached, the impressions and cost per result.