The brief
Organic Pharmer (OP) is an ecommerce company that offers juice cleanses and soups for healthy diet and lifestyle. Organic Pharmer wanted to increase its branded and non-branded search engine rankings and its domain authority after driving sales exclusively through ads for many years.
The healthy eating and cleanse space is extremely crowded. Further, with no cohesive strategy and a Shopify site that wasn’t optimized, OP was falling behind page and keyword rankings. These factors were affecting the growth of brand awareness through digital sources, as well as online sales.
Although OP was already generating hundreds of thousands in revenue, most of this revenue was through digital ads. We were asked to increase qualified traffic to improve every stage of the customer journey, which would decrease reliance on ads over time. We identified that ranking for more relevant keywords that potential customers were searching for (including keywords related to cleansing, juicing and specific types of ingredients in products) would increase traffic at the top of the funnel to add this website to the consideration set when people were determining fasts and cleanses. Therefore, CFD created and executed an SEO strategy (both content and technical) focused on generating interest from top-of-funnel shoppers. On average, CFD’s work increased the page rank by 56 positions and increased click-throughs to the website by 4%, with total clicks increasing by over 100k. In the timeframe CFD worked with OP, sales from organic search increased 75% and became a leading source of revenue.