5 Ways to Care for Yourself While Working From Home

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Careful Feet Digital is a team of remote workers, scattered around the globe, so we’re no strangers to working from home. Even so, when COVID-19 came barging onto the scene in 2020, it shook up our working environments as well as the work lifestyles of many who were used to trekking to the office day in and day out. If you’re not used to working from home, it can be a major adjustment that takes some time to get used to.

For those of us who are used to working from home, we no longer have the ability to switch up our workplace as freely (remember working in a coffee shop or library?), and many have kids, partners and roommates as new office mates. It’s been a massive change of pace for everyone  – which can be incredibly stressful. 

The good news is it doesn’t have to be! We’ve got five tips that will help you care for yourself and set healthy work from home boundaries that will help you stay productive, all while keeping your sanity (mostly) intact.

Create a Good Work-Life Balance

This is going to look different for everyone, but if you have your priorities in order, this should come pretty easily. A great way to help build balance is by creating a routine. Work-life balance doesn’t just mean the time you’re at work and the time you’re not, it also means that when you are on the clock, you’re not forgetting that you are a living, breathing human being. When planning your routine, make sure to plan time for you to care for yourself – have a faux morning commute where you read a book and sit by a window, dedicate time to sitting away from a screen while eating a snack or a meal, go for a walk around the block to get some air. 

When you make time for yourself, you’re giving your mind some time to recharge and ultimately be more productive for it.

Take a Shower (Seriously)

a white piece of soap on top of a white, waffle-patterned wash cloth and a piece of eucalyptus on a white table

Obvious benefits of taking a shower aside, it’s a great way to start your day off fresh. For those working from home with little ones or other household members, it’s also a great way to start your day with a little bit of time for yourself. Every now and then, maybe take a longer than usual shower – after all you’re not commuting anymore, so you’ve got a few minutes to spare. Treat yourself to some new soaps, bath bombs, or maybe new hair products you didn’t dare to risk trying when going out and about – this will give you something positive to look forward to in the morning. You could even incorporate a facial treatment into your morning routine or hang an herbal bouquet to make your solo time a little more luxurious.

If you really want to give something different a try, might we suggest a cold shower? There are myriad benefits to chilling in the shower, one of which being an increase in endorphins. It’s been shown that if you take 2-3 cold showers, up to 5 minutes each a week, you’ll see a decrease in symptoms of depression.

We’ll leave it up to you whether or not you put on work attire or your finest daytime pajamas.

Get Your Priorities in Order

Working from home is all about organization and setting reasonable boundaries for yourself. When planning your work week, it’s important to figure out what will need your immediate attention and what can be put on the back burner until tasks with more priority are completed. If you find yourself attempting to multitask, pump the brakes. While you may think that doing many things simultaneously is a more productive way to work, studies show otherwise. As a matter of fact, it could take you even longer to complete your tasks if you’re trying to do them all at once.

Move It!

photo of girl hugging her mom while in yoga pose in living room

We touched on this a little bit in our first tip, but it’s worth focusing on separately as well. It’s been shown that sitting isn’t really the best thing for you to do for hours on end, but even if you’ve taken up using a standing desk or a stability ball chair there are some other things you can do to get your body moving. Getting out of the house and going for a short walk would be a great way to get a change of scenery and some fresh air. You could also use that time to take any furry friends you may have on a little adventure (we bet they’d appreciate it). You could even do a mini yoga session to get your blood flowing and your muscles stretched, and if you have little ones you could even get them in on the fun (or not). Even scheduling short breaks throughout the day for you to do a little stretching is a step in the right direction.

Another thing that shouldn’t be neglected when it comes to stretching? Your eyes. Staring at screens all day creates a lot of extra work for your eyeballs, which can lead to digital eye strain. A great way to combat this is to give your eyes a little break. Creating good habits can sometimes be tough to remember, but as always there’s an app for that

Stock Your Pantry

Ok, hear us out on this one. It’s likely you already have food in your home, but one thing that you may be missing from going to work every day is visiting your favorite café. While we all may not be turning into baristas as we adjust to work-from-home life, we could still benefit from creature comforts. Maybe your favorite coffee shop roasts their own beans that you could brew at home. Or perhaps there’s a bakery that you used to frequent on your way to the office who has amazing pastries – stock up! This may seem like a little thing, but the familiarity of something you love can help keep your morale up if you’re having a harder than usual day. Or week.

This time has certainly been a tough transition for many of us, but there is always something you can do to make life a little easier for yourself. What are some of your favorite ways to care for yourself during the work week? Let us know on our socials! Twitter / Facebook